About Us

Yes, YOU, the person who’s reading this right now! At Baked Turkey Heady Glass we have something for everyone. You might be new to smoking, or just curious about the heady glass industry. You might be quite experienced, and looking for accessories and exotic glassware. No matter what level of knowledge or experience you have in the world of smoking and glassware, we are here to cater to you.

A mission statement is just words unless you put your money where your mouth is; we understand that, so we’ve created a space that will suit your smoking and glassware needs, no matter who you are. Looking for new and interesting heady glass? We have Winnipeg’s largest heady glass selection. Experienced smoker wanting to tinker with new products? We’ve got all the things you need, and the expertise to help you execute your plan. New to smoking, and not sure where to start? We’ll answer your health and safety questions, discuss what products might best suit your needs, and help you find a starter glassware piece that’s right for you.

Photographed at Baked Turkey Heady Glass (St Mary's Location)

Here at Baked Turkey Heady Glass, We are constantly resupplying our three locations with the newest products available on the market. You can come into one of our shops every week, and you’ll always find something new and exciting!

Daniel Lofchick, David Lofchick O/A Baked Turkey Heady Glass