St Vital Glass Shop

In some ways, St. Vital is the birthplace of the province we all know and love; Louis Riel lived here, at Riel House, for the years leading up to the Red River Rebellion. While we don’t know for sure whether or not Louis would have smoked, we do love the neighborhood he lived in. We’ve set up our St. Vital heady glass shop on St. Mary’s Road, just a few minutes away from St. Vital Centre. Come on in for a visit; we’re well-stocked for all your smoking and glassware needs.

Say, for example, you’re looking for some cool, new glass pieces. Or asking yourself "Where is a production glass shop near me?", then you can check out our supply of pieces from creators and brands from around the world. You might be new to glassware and have no idea where to start - We’ve got your back - our starter pieces and expert advice will set you on the right path. You might be a tinkerer, we’ve got all the pieces and accessories you might need.

We’re open 7 days a week, and on most of those days, we’re open from 11 in the morning until 9 at night. That should give you a good window to stop by and say hello! Outside the city? Don’t worry - we can ship through Canada Post. Just browse our site, pick out what you need, and we’ll get it right to you. 



Check out our other Winnipeg Glass Shop locations